Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 2008 - new photo added

Although the month isn't quite over, it's been a very busy one! The biggest happening is my brother John's wedding to Erin. It was definitely a great day for all of us. Maria took one look at Erin in her wedding dress and said "Princess Erin!". We've seen them a few more times this week, and Maria is still using this nickname.
John and Erin with Jackie and Julie:
Here we are at the reception before Maria pooped out and went home to Uncle Nick:

Maria has also been taking an 'excercise class' this month, and she has really enjoyed it. My goal was for her to spend time around other kids and for her to listen and follow directions from another adult. She has done very well in both respects! Her teacher, Miss Vicki, is the new character in her pretend-play at home. Maria pretends to get out the balls, jump on the trampoline, and count her steps - just like Miss Vicki. Here are a few highlights from the class:

In this activity, Maria is supposed to 'control' the ball and roll down to the mirror and stick her tongue out at herself. Needless to say, she was most interested in the sticking the tongue out part!

Trampoline jumping with the famous Miss Vicki.

The 'cup run' relay - again with Miss Vicki! (She gets her own workout chasing the 2 year olds!)

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