Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blogger issues!

I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to upload a short video from Halloween and also a certificate from Maria's first haircut .... I AM SO FRUSTRATED with Blogger!!! I may just begin inserting links to YouTube to make things easier.

But here's a run-down, sans photos or cool videos, of the recent happenings at the Saso house:

This Halloween was quite eventful. Maria had been having a good time practicing saying "trick-or-treat" (sounded more like "chi-cha-CHEE!"), and saying "BOO!" everytime she passed a ghost decoration in our house. She was enjoying Halloween... that is until the big day finally arrived.

I attempted to dress Maria in her adorable bee costume at about 9:00 that morning to go to the stroller shape-up class we'd been attending. The costume was so cute - a black and yellow striped leotard with a yellow tutu. She loved it 2 months ago when I bought it at a kids' re-sale shop. Everytime she passed it hanging up she would enthusiastically say, "BUZZ, BUZZ, Mama!" She loves the Laurie Berkner song, 'Buzz, Buzz' - so I (mistakenly) thought the costume would be a home run, no doubt in my mind. WRONG! That morning, she refused to let me put it on her. And when I finally wrestled her into it anyway, thinking that she'd get over it once it was on, she threw a tantrum for the record books. She flailed around on the floor, yanking at the cute little tu-tu. She actually ripped a piece off in the process...

Fifteen minutes and a pacifier later, we were off to stroller class dressed in the cute little Halloween sweater Nonna had gotten her. Oh well. There has still the evening, right? Ha ha, mama.....

So when daddy came home later that night, we took the costume over to Nonna's and attempted the it once again, while mommy, daddy and Nonna cheered her on and tried all the distractions we knew. (I'll attach the video or link to it here when it's available). I promise this video will come back to haunt Maria in her teens!

Bottom line: we put Maria's adorable costume on her giant bunny, and dragged bunny along with us trick-or-treating. It was pretty funny explaining the story at each doorstep - we got some laughs! But by 7:30, we were all pooped and ready to go home. What a day!

Maria's first haircut (Nov. 20, 2007 - age 21 months)
Needless to say, after the Halloween fiasco I wasn't planning on the haircut going smoothly. I just knew Maria wasn't going to wear a smock or actually sit in the same spot for more than 10 seconds. I prepared myself for a battle: I brought every bribe I had in my arsenal along in the diaper bag. I was ready!!!

Based on numerous reccomendations, we went to the Hairy Elephant, a kids hair salon, in O'Fallon, where"Miss Erica" eased Maria right into the routine. First she lured her into the elevated "jeep" with an Elmo video (have I mentioned she's obsessed with Elmo?). Then she gave her a bubble wand and bubble juice to blow at Elmo and mommy. And Miss Erica started spraying her head with water, combing, clipping it up, and cutting. "What?!?" I thought, where's the meltdown? Maria didn't budge! When she started to squirm about 10 minutes into the haircut (about 9 minutes and 50 seconds longer than I thought she'd sit!), Miss Erica gave Maria her very first sucker, and Maria was sold! She sat for the rest of the 15 minute process, and even let Miss Erica put in TWO cute little pony-tails (Mommy has only achieved that feat once -about 6 months ago.) I was so excited and proud, you'd think she won an Academy Award! I beamed all around the store, buying her some new bath toys and bows, spending almost as much as I pay for a haircut, once the shopping and generous tipping was over. We immediately called Daddy when we got into the car, and mommy bragged all the way home about how great the first haircut experience was. Maria even allowed them to take a picture and they gave her a certificate with a few of shed curls attached. (I've tried to upload it today with no luck...)

Anyway, I'm as proud as a peacock of my little girl and her patience today. I guess I just don't give her enough credit...

Later that day...
We got home from the fantastic haircut experience, and Maria was exhausted (or so I thought). I popped her in her crib, with the paci and blanket and closed the door behind me as always. I jumped online to check my email, and heard the loud THUD and scream. Yep, she had quietly crawled out of the crib and fell onto the floor. Not knowing how she landed, I went into panic mode. Did she have a concussion? Broken ribs? Dislocated shoulder??? I gently poked and patted every inch of her, and decided I thought she had a bump on the top of her head. WHen she said, "No Mama!" to my poking, and requested Elmo, I was a little reassured. I called her pediatrician anyway, and they gave me things to watch for and check. I wanted to keep her awake to watch for signs of a concussion, so we watched Elmo (AGAIN!) and Maria proceeded to laugh, dance, and sing in all of the usual spots. She was getting tired (it was 3:00 by this time), so I layed her down, cracked the door, and turned up the monitor, listening to her every breath. I even made some extra noise to rouse her a few times throughout the nap, and she responded. So, for now, I'm going with the idea that she is OK. But I haven't been that scared in a long time... I 'll let you know if Family Services comes knocking at my door!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

More catching up.....

I'm finding it harder and harder to keep up with posting here regularly, so I'm going to try to scale back a little and hit the highlights each week.

Circus Time!
On Friday, Nov. 9, Maria and I went to her first circus at the Scottrade Center (formerly Savvis, etc.) We went with our Parents As Teachers playgroup, and ended up bringing our friend Allison and Jack too. Both of them seemed to have a great time! Maria did not get a nap beforehand, so she was a little apprehensive at first. The darkened arena and loud noise had her holding onto Mama most of the show, but she loved the animals - mostly the elephants and horses. She smiled and laughed the most when the elephants 'danced' - now when she sees an elephant in a book she gets up to dance!

The kiddos transfixed by the circus excitement...

Maria's favorite parts of the circus...

Maria's favorite part of all, though, might have been the ride home. We carpooled with Jack and Allison in their minivan, which has a DVD player, and the kiddos watched Elmo all the way home (Have I mentioned that Maria has become an Elmo Junkie? She is obsessed!) I thought Maria would crash immediately, but the ability to watch Elmo in the van was just too exciting... she was just amazed at the little TV screen in the ceiling! It was pretty funny to watch her reaction.

Welcoming Lilia

On Saturday, Nov. 10, we helped welcome a new member to the McLane/Cope family. Lilia was adopted from Russia 2 months ago and she was ready to meet many new friends at "Pump It Up!" in Newtown. This is a giant room filled with those blow-up slides, jumping houses, etc. Maria thought it was really cool to slide down the slides with daddy, but she did NOT like it when Mommy held Lilia or Stevyn's little boy, Silas. She got really mad.... yikes.

It was great to meet Lilia, and to see Stevyn, Troy, and their son, Silas - he's a year old already!

Troy and Silas

Monday, November 5, 2007

Catching up...

I know, I know... it's been a while! Just like everyone else, we've been very busy. So here's a quick re-cap of the past few weeks:

Family Trip to Thies Farms (Thursday, Oct. 18)

The family visited a great REAL pumpkin patch. There was so much to do: hayride, climbing the straw mountains, sliding, walking the plank on a 'pirate ship', checking out the goats, and pumpkins, of course! It was a beautiful day - 80's and sunny in October! We had a blast spending some time together, just the three of us.

Trip to Chicago (Oct. 19-22)
Charles and I went away for our first weekend together since Maria was born. Neither of us had been to Chicago, so we planned a big trip - 4 days and 3 nights TOGETHER!! WOW! Plus, Springsteen was playing in Chicago, so that sealed the deal for Charles. We felt like we got to a LOT in a short amount of time, even finding time to meet up with my cousin Mike and his fiance (who coincidentally grew up in the town next to Charles in NJ!). And my Aunt Joyce was in town visiting Mike, so we had a nice dinner together - and even hit a piano bar afterwards. Charles and I managed hit Navy Pier (decked out for Halloween), a tour of Millenium Park, the "loop," Michigan Avenue (a few times), the Hancock center, a mafia bus tour - this was great!, and the concert. All of this between some GREAT food - Chicago-style pizza, Greek food in Greektown, the Weber Grill restaurant, Heaven on Seven (Cajun reccommended by Mike), and more.... I'm still full!

More to come... Blogger is on the fritz and won't let me upload right now...