Friday, May 11, 2007

My Pretty Pony (tails)

I've been so excited to start putting little pony-tails/piggy-tails (what-ever you want to call them!) in Maria's growing hair. With all the humidity, it's starting to curl up a bit - I just love her curls! On Thursday, we tried TWO instead of the one Pebbles-style pony-tail on top. Pretty cute, eh?

Maria is also starting to give some genuine hugs and kisses. Previously, she would hug and kiss when asked (if she felt so inclined, of course). But now, she'll come to YOU and give hugs and kisses on her own... melts a mommy's heart! She's also gotten very affectionate with her stuffed animals and dolls. She tries to give them her sippy cup and feed them her graham crackers. She even tries this out on poor Daisy, who wants nothing to do with it. Still pretty darn cute, though!

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